Welcome Back Me! I come bearing the gift of Ironic Dance, the rewrite I am gleeful to bring back my game to Jacqueline's Novel Nest. It has been 10 years since this blog has been in service. I left while editing and I come back amid a rewrite. Where have I been? I have lived a life, taking editing picks on my first novel. I attended graduate school, earned a clear teaching credential, taught, and lost my greatest fan, my husband Rick, to cancer. Like you, I traveled through the pandemic and now, in 2023 I am far enough along to reopen the view of my travels toward publication. I look back over these years and realize that my story had to unfold a while before the story of Ironic Dance could unfurl into its true self. I am back, working strong, and have an awesome account to share. As I move along these next few months I will post at least once a week to share my experience editing, and rewriting this story. I will share some of my processes, lessons learned, and some teaser section...