Chick in the Nest

I have a chick in the nest I am feeding. This would be my first novel, Ironic Dance. I am currently at 50,000 words which rests me in Chapter 24. This is an exciting time for me, for not only am I about send forth my babe into the world, it is also a graduation of sorts. I began Ironic Dance in 2002. That was the year I joined my first writer's critique group. Before then, the upper compartment of my file cabinet was stuffed with beginning novels at various stages of gestation. Some were at a literary development of ten pages, some had lived into thirty pages; at which point the movie would have played out in my head, I'd be bored and move on. Not a great way to be a published writer.

With Ironic Dance I had eight people who were serious writers and who were familiar with all the crazy little pitfalls beginning authors fall for. Best of all, they put me on the road to learning "how to write."

So, I can truly say, that I have learned to write creating Ironic Dance. Now, I will be ready soon for the edits. My "Friday Night Write" girls will be ready to stab their forks into the dirty morsels of bad language usage, and my tendency to head jump without notice and without pause.

I write in a fever, like a mad scientist. I am forever thankful for my friends who help me tame the savage beast of my story, so that it is approachable and enjoyable. I especially thank them for enjoying my stories; for hearing the cha
racters and plot and wanting more, while I am always learning to write.

But my gratitude does not end there. I have the good fortune to have a husband who took me seriously as a writer long before I did. If it was not for the continuous prodding of my life partner over the years, this baby would still waiting for conception. Truly, Ironic Dance is ours.

Next: A teaser for Ironic Dance!


  1. Welcome to the bloging world. Your drive to finish is inspirational. We at F.N.W. are behind you all the way.


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